

Been so long since dome pitched
Personed from the storm
And broke the barrier belief
That the tidings are for warm

A trapment saved me on the night
Of singing trees, dripping heights
And in here all i take is flight
A storm within the storm
A place to see
But without form

Here shadows mar the walls
Till watercolors make
Up everything
An rain it steals even that
So it leaves you wondering
Where the walls gone?
Where the walls gone?
They must have been gone all along


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  2. What. I am using a domain name serviced to me legally through Blogspot, and in extension, Google. I happen to have a poem by the name of Dome. This seems as usual. My intellectual property stays mutually exclusive from yours, and my domain name is not poetrydome anything.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
