
Lightly now

If I cup my hands about my ears
I'm going to pretend
That there's wind blowing 
In the corridors
I'll take care
To creep in on it
And let the creature dance 
In my head
No sense in letting It know
I'm here


When being gets in the way

How many walls
To put me in the other room
I used to dream of worlds
Where crenelations never ended
And doors bred in an uncertain flow
But everytime I woke
I couldn't see anything 
Quite so clearly

Like pulling teeth

Leaves of fiery composition
Etch the creature of contempt
Across a chest so far unkempt
Given no glance from a physician

Droves of coursing woven strains
Driven from the world's other side
Striving to strangle settling inside
These bats burst wanting name

A pinpoint pluck pulls the pellet:
A prosaic penchant for priest's language
Thee's thy's thou's all engage
Omitted mention: I wanted to sell it 

Demon synched like consecration  
To the ligaments pulling me inward
Maybe the sip of something soured
Maybe a pull me from my inhibition

Leaves of fury full position
Bred from season inverse to me
Etch into and out the other way
Nothing but devilish exposition
Cut through the skin 
The paper bleeds

Taking mine

I think
I'll take your eyes
And I'll make them mighty fine
Until the grains begin 
To puff and sputter 
When pressed to grind
A Backhand toss to Let to flutter 
All around my room
So warm and utterly delighting
Like diamonds muttering with lightning
And those are just your eyes
Those are just two round windows
Plate glass pulled fast to fasten
Me and all mine own
To the rest: I'll try imagine
Like a warm night the likes 
Of which have never glowed
To the rest: I'll try find
Because one day I know you'll love me 
And One day I'll have your mind


A brief moment of sonder
Reserved for someone
I do not know
As they ponder grounds
soft in sun
Making me wonder
Whether grasses
Struggle with perspective